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'Ending? This Is Only the Beginning...'

Soon Zheng Foong



Batch of August 2015



Can you believe it? Four years ago, most of us walked into UTAR as nervous as we were the first day of school. We were the freshmen, the low men on the totem pole. Now, those same four years later, we?re graduating and leaving the university behind to the next phase of our life.


Remembered during my first year, I struggled to acquire the knowledge deliver by lecturers. Everything was another level of what we have learned and gained during high school. Most memorable moment was burning midnight oil and having sleepless night with friends to complete assignments and make ready for final exam to strive for success. To my friends who were there for barbeque parties, study session and everything in between. And to all those others I depend on, without you all, I would not be graduating and have this chance to say thank you to all of you. I?m a totally different person than I was coming in as a freshman four years ago. I hope I?m also a better one.

Good or bad, I will always remember this place. To my juniors, we only get one trip around this rock, so we might as well enjoy it. You have to find a balance between work (school or otherwise) and fun. ?All work and no play make Jack a dull boy.? To our lecturers, thank you for teaching us all the material to take into our next phase of life so tolerantly and whole-heartedly.


Not forget the most important persons in my life, my mom and my dad. Mom and dad, thank you so much for your undying love and limitless sacrifices. Every problem I?ve overcome has been because of my parent who stood by me and supports me no matter. My dad always told me, ?You cannot get to the top by sitting on your bottom? and figure out life?s tough problem all by myself. This is what made me understand that they were not tough in the first place. Thanks for making me the raison d?etre and joie de vivre of your lives. It is because of your upbringing that I am amongst the crème de la crème today.


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