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APRIL 2016

Amazing Grace

Chan Yoke Ping

Bachelor of Commerce (Hons) Accounting

Batch of March 2016

Before I pen down the essence of Amazing Grace, I would like to harvest this rare opportunity to extend my earnest gratitude to UTAR's Department of Alumni Relations and Placement (DARP) for granting me a platform to enunciate my humble wisdom and experiences which I have acquired throughout my four year stay as Utarian in Kampar. I would love to express my deepest gratitude to my beloved family who has showered me with divine love and unconditional moral support, to my bosom friends who has acted and continue to act as my cornerstone and pillar of strength in times of despair, desolation and forlornness and, not forgetting, my sincerest appreciation to the academicians who has shaped my characters and nurtured me in becoming who I am today. Beyond all, the abundance  of grace  showered  upon  me  would  not  have  made  real  had  it  not  been bestowed by the omnipotent and omniscience Almighty Lord.


I am not a gifted child in areas such as intellectual, creative, artistic or specific academic field and despite am well-aware of my weaknesses, I still live my life as a happy-go- lucky juvenile, a spoiled child who  is an apple of my parents' eyes.  Fortunately or unfortunately, D- day arrived when I need to awake from my land of Utopia to encounter the reality (or misery) of live. After bidding farewell to my secondary school life, I started my Foundation in Utar in 2012. My indolence may have got the better of me in the past, but gone were those days once I stepped foot in Utar, I have scored four flat in my final academic trimester during Foundation thus, enabled me to earn a bursary to support my degree tuition fees. One of the very few achievements I have made in my track record since birth. Amen!

I maintained my scholarship throughout my three-year degree studies. Knowing that with satisfactory results alone would not motivate me to become a more wholesome individual, I  decided  to  walk  out  from  my  comfort  zone  by  participating  in  several  beneficial activities which could enhance my soft skills such as the essential time management, leadership and communication skills while sealing more friendships with people from all walks of life. Most of the time I attended ' FOC ' talks and workshops and rarely folk out own money to pay for talks as listed in flyers provided by DSSC. Nonetheless, with careful calculation and planning (credited to knowledge gained from AC course), I managed to earn a certificate for USSDC.


I was an active member of Utar Christian Fellowship, I volunteered myself to become an assistant for Christmas Night 2013 and made it a resounding success where more than

500 visitors have joined us in celebrating the birth of our Lord Saviour. Much to my astonishment, I was labeled as an ' Angel ', a mascot for that night where many visitors wanted to take photos with me. That was an enchanting moment and nostalgic experience when come to think of it after years. It was an enthralling experience which I have not tasted before.


Yup! That?s me in Christmas Night 2013!


Me on the second from left in Christmas Night 2013.

Moreover, I was a member of Undergraduate Research Scheme (URS). Here comes another critical turning point in my life where I meet my soul mate. A godly young man who has accompanied me through thick and thin during my university life, a young man who is willing to sacrifice his sacred time and put in much effort in order to make our moments shared together worthwhile and relationships to stay robust and perpetually. Finally, I am in love.


Amidst the busyness in juggling between study-romance balance, never in my mind have


I thought of giving up in enriching myself by actively joining extra-curriculum. Therefore, I  have  applied  to  be  a  presenter  and  participant  for  Utar  3rd   BAFE  International Conference 2015. It was a whole new experience to me where I was exposed to myriads of knowledge and researches conducted by experienced and full-fledged participants. The conference has served as a melting pot where researchers from both local and foreign universities gathered together to exchange information and to learn from one another,

which could quench my thirst for knowledge as well as enlarging social circle, a wise decision for one stone two birds indeed!



Me as a presenter and participant for Utar 3rd BAFE International Conference 2015.

Last but not least, before I was on the verge of graduating, I was selected as one of the representatives to MSEUF Cultural Learning and Exploration trip in 2016. Nevertheless, Lady Luck  doesn?t  seem to  smile at  my side,  I  was,  by then a  vacation trainee  in Ernst & Young where my superior has assigned me to conduct audit field trip outstation. EY was at its peak period hence I have no other alternatives but to reject the offer to Philippines.


My only regret was that I did not participate student exchange programme throughout my university life. I have earned good grades and now receive good salary in a prestigious company and many other blessings. All these I dedicated to my alma mater, University Tunku Abdul Rahman.


A note to my juniors: Carpe Diem!

Me on the left with my Samaritan who has guided me patiently in my Foundatio

Me  on  the  right  with  Utar  alumni  who  is  now  an  English  educator-cum- professional emcee!

Me on the right with my brilliant coursemate!


Our friendship has lasted for more than a decade!

Have I not tell you that I am a good cook too?  *wink*





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