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Life in UTAR

Koh Li Jing

Bachelor of Science (Hons) Biomedical Science

Batch of August 2016


I am a May 2012 intake student. I studied at UTAR, Kampar for four years (Foundation 1 year, Bachelor degree 3 years). Throughout these four years, I have sweet memories with my friends, lecturers and people around me. I still remembered the first day I brought all my stuff and luggage to Kampar. On that day, weather was very hot. This gave me an impression that Kampar was a hot place and indeed, it was a hot place.


Almost everyday, three questions would be in my mind and I was sure that every student in university have the same question too:

1) Which clothes should I wear to university (in the morning)

2) Where should we eat at for lunch? Block C? Block D? The cafeteria nearby the library? 3) Where should we eat at for dinner? Yes! The third question is ?Where should we eat at? again. >.<


Although my friends and I were science students, we liked elective subject too, especially the subject that came with 'drama' as an assignment. We enjoyed the time that we practiced the drama together. We had fun and our bonding was tightened at the same time. Besides friends, lecturers were friendly too. Sometimes, we had a short trip to Ipoh and dined together. When came to study time, we studied hard and play time, we played hard too.

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