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Always Say Yes To New Adventures



Batch of August 2016


I was as clueless as everyone else right after obtaining my SPM results. So what should I study? Which university?


Feeling lost; I decided to just following my friend who wished to pursue Foundation in Arts and subsequently, Finance, in UTAR. As I was browsing around, deciding which degree that I should take after my foundation studies, I met a lecturer who had later on become my Final Year Project supervisor. The piece of advice that he had given and inspired me so much that I set my mind on taking the Biomedical Science programme as I had the interest to venture into the field of research.


In UTAR, almost everyone speaks Mandarin. At first, I was worried as my command of Mandarin language was relatively poor. I did feel out of place but eventually I managed to make friends with my course mates and we became best buddies. Fortunately for me, I can speak better Mandarin now.

My course mates and I as well as the lecturers and lab officer during convocation (I am the first from left in the second row)

I can say that university life had been one of the best times of my life. It had its ups and downs and that?s the beauty of it for that was what made life colourful. Burning midnight oil for assignments and reports was part and parcel of being a student. Thus, to spice my life up, I joined event planning and became a part of a big team. From here, I learned that life lessons were not just confined to classrooms; they could be found almost at every point of our life even when we least expect it.


My team and I after organizing the 6th Malaysian Symposium of Biomedical Science (I am the third from right in the second row)


I am really grateful to God for choosing this path for me. Never would I thought that I could achieve such good results in my studies. I couldn't have done it without the support and motivation from my parents, friends and lecturers. Thank you very much for your continuous guidance throughout these 4 years. I am indeed indebted to all of these awesome people for helping me go through thick and thin.

The years of study in UTAR were indeed wondrous as well as enjoyable and I shall cherish all these fond memories forever.

As for the juniors, enjoy your university life to the fullest as such beautiful times will never appear again. However, don't forget to study smart as well. Try as best as you can to ace your studies so that you will not have any regrets when you leave the university. It's never easy but it's not impossible. Cheers.  




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