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My Career After UTAR

Jophennie Mun Ming Shing


Batch of September 2011



graduated from Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) back in 2011, studied Bachelor of Communications (Hons) Broadcasting. I am honored that UTAR Alumni give me this opportunity to share my growing experience with my fellow alumni. All this while, my dream is to have my own career, able to help people, and let myself and my family enjoy good quality of life.

毕业后的一年里,我一直不断地在寻找着适合自己的道路。在一个机缘巧合下,我遇到了我现在的两位老板。当时我还在犹豫,我应不应该踏入金融这个行业里。最后我决定给自己一个机会去挑战。这五年里,一路走来也不算容易,但一直能让我坚持下去的信念是 Pay it forward,还有在我背后支持我的老板和我的伙伴们。我们的公司,Avantiz Advisory 的理念就是训练有潜质,真诚的年轻人成为专业的财务规划师,让我们的客户都可以得到最适合他们的规划。公司的文化就是有话直说,遇到不满的事情大家可以当面说出来讨论但不能收在心里。在公司里,每一个人都会真心对待彼此,我们拥有共同的目标,为了心爱的家人,一起打拼,一起学习和成长。

So, within a year after my graduation, I have been constantly searching for a suitable path. Coincidentally, I met my two current bosses who introduced me financial industry. In the beginning I had doubt whether I should venture into a different industry, but after much hesitation I decided to take this challenge. For the past five years, my path has not been easy, but what kept me going were my belief in pay it forward, as well as support that I got from my bosses and teammates. Our company, Avantiz Advisory's philosophy is to train talented young people to become professional Financial Entreplanners, so that our clients can get the most appropriate financial planning. Our company culture allow us to openly talk to each other. If we encounter any dissatisfaction, we can talk face to face without keeping inside our heart. We treat each other sincerely. We share common goal and we work hard for our beloved family, together we learn and grow.






Avantiz introduced Singapore's training system, allowing a fresh graduate with no knowledge on finance to grow and become a Financial Entreplanner. Through training, I have the opportunity to exchange learning abroad, such as Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Indonesia and so on. From there, I learned from the culture of different countries and it expanded my horizon. I have also get to know financial planners from different countries, most of whom are professionals, such as actuaries, lawyers, pilots, and even physicians. I see the future of the financial industry through them. I notice insurance industry in Malaysia are gradually progressing, and this industry needs people with heart, who share the same belief and willing to work hard, just like my team.


其中影响我最大的是在新加坡的一项慈善活动,Hair for Hope. 这是一个儿童癌症醒觉活动与筹款,可以帮助小朋友的医药费。为了让更多的人可以支持与帮助这些癌症儿童,我和我的团队决定一起?剃光头?!Hair for Hope, 让我领悟到这个行业的美丽,听着癌症小孩的经历和他们家属的坚持,让我觉得他们很勇敢。而我们的一个小小行动就可以鼓励他们,我觉得这一切都很值得。同时这也让我领悟到我们的存在及我们的使命可以帮助和影响更多不同的人。

One of my experiences that influenced me alot was my participation in a charity event in Singapore, Hair for Hope. It is a head-shaving event serves to raise fund and awareness of childhood cancer. To encourage more people to support and help these children with cancer, my team and I decided to shave our heads bald! This experience made me see the beauty of my career. When I listened to the cancer children's sharing on their fighting experiences and how their families support them, I think they are really brave. Just a small action we already can give them encouragement. It is all worth it! It makes me realized that our existence and our mission can affect lots of people.


In addition, my team has been promoting healthy & vitality lifestyle. In order to improve morbidity in modern society, we often invite different friends to participate in sports-related activities



The best decision I have made in my life is to join Avantiz. It benefits me alot, and allows me and my family to enjoy quality of life. Since then, I am willing to open up my heart to communicate with people around me. Such change made me got along very well with my beloved family more than ever before. While I am pursuing my dream, my main driving force comes from the support I got from people around me. With my small achievements, I will do my best to contribute to the community and continue to give encouragement young people.


感恩校方给我们团队机会参与大学举办的就业博览,希望借助就业博览Avantiz 介绍给更多的人,鼓励年轻人要勇于追求自己的梦想。

I am so grateful to my university for giving us the opportunity to participate in career fair. I wish to introduce Avantiz to more young people, encourage them to pursue their dreams.




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