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MAY 2017

Cambodia Trip

Yeow Shu Hui

Bachelor of Marketing (Hons)

Convo Batch March 2010


I am a regular customer for DARP Alumni Trip. Last year I had an unforgettable trip with DARP for their Alumni Oversea trip to Cambodia. We went there for 4 day 3 nights. Although the journey was quite tired but a lot of fun especially at Angkor Wat and Tonle Sap.

A lot of interesting history story of the great Angkor Wat had been explored. For example, it was a special experience in Tonle Sap where the natives live on top of the river which we have not seen in Malaysia.

During this trip, we had learned quite a bit when we visited the Handicraft Centre and Silk Farm. In here, we were able to know the wood & stone carving processes. Also, we were able to experience the process of growing and feeding silk worms, silk extraction, traditional silk dying, and pattern creation.


The one that I like the most was the Sunset Scenery and the Night Market.


Besides, I also enjoyed to travel around with the alumni team. They are friendly, nice and we are having fun together during this awesome trip. The UTAR alumni organiser also arranged well on the itinerary and we all had a very fruitful and enjoyable trip. In the conclusion, I'm enjoying the trip with UTAR Alumni team and would very much likely to join DARP trip in the future.











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