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JUNE 2017


By Shagina a/p P K Bhalan

Bachelor of Arts and Social Science (Hons) English Education

With Merit

Batch of October 2013

The first day I stepped foot in Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (Kampar Campus), I was filled with trepidation as I knew no one and was completely alone, 320 km away from home. As the weeks went on, I started feeling more and more at ease. Friendly lecturers, accommodating staff, helpful seniors as well as fresh faced course mates who felt exactly as I did began to weave a strong bond in my life that would further strengthen over the course of the next three years.


UTAR English Education OCT 2013 intake (Shagina; standing 7th from right)

I chose UTAR's English Education programme as it is first and foremost MQA accredited and extremely affordable. In addition to that, there are well-equipped facilities such as the Micro-teaching laboratory for mock-teaching sessions as well as the language laboratory. We were also given multiple opportunities to work with the local community by organising language camps for school students which gave us education students good exposure to what life as an educator would be like.

SMK Jalan Tasek, Ipoh English Language Day Camp organised by us ED students (Shagina; standing first row far left)

Looking at the extra-curricular activities, there were plenty to choose from. I was elected as the Secretary for the 2014/2015 Indian Cultural & Language Society and was given the opportunity to choreograph and perform a semi-classical dance number for one of the event organised by the society, UTAR ICLS Thamizhar Thirunaal Kondattam - Ponggal Vizha 2015.

A still shot from the dance performance (Shagina; centre)

I was also the first female Chairperson for the Asian Cultural Society for the 2015/2016 board. There were many activities that were organized meant for student networking and bridging, the most well-known being the HOLA Festival. It is the festival of colours integrated with team building activities. This helped develop our students teamwork and leadership skills while taking a break from their studies at the same time. My friends and I had a blast at these events!

My friends and I before the event (Shagina; far right)


At the end of the event

I was also blessed to be selected as a representative of the Department of Languages and Linguistics to present my Final Year Project at the 1st Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Student Conference. The panel of judges presented me with the award of being the Top 3 presenter of the student conference which was very much an honour to me.

Presenting her project during the conference

During my March 2017 graduation, I had my family, fellow UTARians be it junior or seniors as well as lecturers with me to celebrate my achievement. A milestone in my life and to be able to graduate with Merit is something that I never thought was possible.

Shagina with her sisters and mother

All in all, my three years at Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman was definitely a fun-filled one with so many friendly faces that I am bound to miss and memories that I will reminisce and take along with me for the rest of my life. UTAR is definitely my choice!

Shagina (5th from right) with her close friends

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