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University Life in UTAR






Batch of August 2017


Studying in UTAR has been a bitter sweet experience for me. I have lived in Sabah for most of my life and have never been on my own before, so it was not easy for my family to send me off to study so far away. However, they were very supportive and understood how important education is to my future. They are the main motivators that encouraged me to work hard and persevere.

Stress is a given in university life. There is the stress from assignments and exams as well as the stress from figuring out this new phase of our lives and ourselves. There are times when stress can get overwhelming and make me doubt myself and my capabilities. However, I am very fortunate to have friends and lecturers who believe in me and supported me. They have made my university life much more enjoyable and memorable.

Some of my fondest memories in UTAR involve the time I spent with my friends. We had assignments together, gone on trips to Ipoh and KL, had group studies, and even worked on our own mini projects. We had started out as strangers but the time we spent together deepened our friendship. Even as we part ways, I will always hold these people dear in my memories.

I feel that I have learned and grown a lot in the 4 years I spent in UTAR. Psychology has always been fascinating to me as it helps me understand people and what goes on with them. But more than that, this course has taught me to be more aware and considerate of others. We may not know the exact struggles they are going through, but sometimes even the smallest act of compassion could mean a lot to them.

Overall, as with many situations in life, life in UTAR has been a roller coaster ride. There will always be good times and hard times, however that is what makes the experience interesting. Enjoy the good times as they come and ride out the rough times as they pass. Embrace the experience and have fun.


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