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JUNE 2018

When Moments Turn To Memories

Loh Xiu Ming


Batch of March 2018

Who would have thought that studying in UTAR for four years will fly by so fast? I can still remember the first day of my Foundation study in UTAR. As a 'banana' entering into a majority Mandarin speaking community, there was the fear of not being able to fit in. But at the end of the day, it's what we do with the situation that matters. Being in such a situation, I could have just isolated myself from all the Mandarin speaking students. However, I took the initiative to make friends with my coursemates, regardless of whether they were English or Mandarin speaking. As a result, I made a number of friends in which our friendships still continue on even until now. So to all 'bananas' in UTAR, don't give up if you are struggling to make friends because of the language difference. If I can do it, so can you.

In my UTAR life, most of the highlights happened during my Bachelor study. One of it was attending UTAR Christian Fellowship. This society was the platform that allowed me to make a lot of new friends as the members shared the same interests with me. I was then appointed as President of UTAR CF for the term 2016/2017. It was both my privilege to lead this society and honour to be able to work with a group of fine individuals. We went through a lot of ups and downs which taught me a lot about myself especially in regards to leadership and communication.

The final year of my Bachelor study was the most memorable time of my UTAR life. I had the pleasure to work with a group of friends that were very talented for the final year project (FYP). A special shout-out to Mr. Lui Tze Kiat (FYP Supervisor), Dr. Mohd. Haniff (2nd Examiner) and Dr. Lee Voon Hsein (FYP Coordinator) for their constructive criticisms and advice. Only with their input were we able to improve on our research to such an extent. Winning the FBF FYP Conference 2017/2 which then brought about the opportunity to present it in the 5th International Conference on Business, Accounting, Finance, and Economics (BAFE 2017) was the best way to end my Bachelor study.


RMP26 T2G3 with Mr. Lui Tze Kiat (FYP Supervisor) and Dr. Mohd. Haniff (2nd examiner)

RMP26 T2G3 with Dr. Lee Voon Hsien (FYP Coordinator)

RMP26 T2G3 receiving the FBF FYP Conference 2017/2 Champion certificate from

Dr. Au Yong Hui Nee (Dean of FBF)

Receiving a certificate from Dr. Gengeswari on behalf of RMP26 T2G3 after presenting in the 5th International Conference on Business, Accounting, Finance, and. Economics (BAFE 2017)

The only advice I would like to share to all UTAR students is to make the most of your UTAR life. Please don't make your entire UTAR life just be about academics. Now please don't misunderstand me, passing all the subjects and getting a good CGPA is important, but don't just make it your sole activity. There's more to UTAR life than just attending classes, completing assignments and studying for exams. There are other areas of life that you can further develop such as sports, networking and soft skills by organizing events, attending clubs and societies, as well as participating in the Undergraduate Research Scheme. These activities can help in developing skills that are essential for employment in the future.

To end my write up, I would like to sincerely thank God, family, friends, lecturers and tutors that have journeyed with me throughout the four years. I cannot specifically mention everyone as it would be a very long list. But you know who you are, and I am really grateful for your contribution in my UTAR life. May God continue to bless all of us.

Turn every moment into memories that you will cherish and proudly share with others.

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