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JUNE 2018

My path to Doctor of Philosophy

Bong Fwee Leong

Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering)

March 2018

First and and foremost, I would like to acknowledge the invaluable suggestions, guidance and advices from Dr. Lim Eng Hock and Dr. Lo Fook Loong throughout the entire period of my research projects. My deepest thankfulness goes to my family, especially my wife for their persistent love and support that eventually makes me today. Achieving PhD degree will definitely boost up my confident level in facing more challenging world.

I must admit that I have gone through a lot of tough times and plenty of effort to achieve it as I always believe hard work will eventually pay off.  I was a part time PhD student with family where I found difficult to balance up among work, family and study. I spent my lunch time, after work and weekend for my research and journal writing. It was stressful but memorable, where I believe this could set as a role model for my kids to face their future challenges. In general, I would say that my hard work, being disciplined and desire to achieve have brought me the success.

My supervisor was my main motivator throughout my PhD research, who has been providing valuable advices and supports to me ever since I first joined the course.  He shared with me the potential obstacles in research life. He patiently taught me the proper ways to do research and technical journal writing skill. 

Furthermore, I would say I have an inherent spirit of never give up and never get discourage in facing any obstacles in life. This personality has reflected in my PhD research as well where I managed to complete my study with early submission.  My research outcomes were published in tier 1 international journal.

I chose to do research in RFID technology mainly because of my personal liking and job relevant of the field.  Having academic research and daily work in the same field would make study less stressful. I can say now that I have achieved what I desired earlier.  Through the course, I learnt about scientific research method, journal writing skills, communicating with others and so on.  Most of all, I learnt about coping with problems and efficiently planned timeline for achieving project period goals.

To the new PhD students, do not afraid to face problems in your research, you will learn something valuables after the problems solved. Work closely with your classmates or seniors, consult them when necessary, this will definitely speed up your learning process.

Lastly, I would like to express my special thanks to all who provided me assistance in whatever means throughout my PhD research period in UTAR. Wishing you a very best future for all your undertakings.

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