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JULY 2018

Time Flies



Batch of  MARCH 2018

Time flies. It has been six months after I left the University. I am still always overwhelmed by those joyful memories of being a UTAR student.

This is the place where I know numerous friends from other states of Malaysia. I used to recall the moments when we had a bunch of course mates travelled around the country including Muar, Kluang, Malacca, Kuala Lumpur, Sekinchan, Sitiawan, Ipoh, Taiping and Penang Island during our trimester breaks. The time when we faced the challenges as a Science student, doing our weekly scientific reports, rushing at our lab work, conducting our challenging experiments, participating in countless tests and examinations, are still flowing in my mind.

I was luckily voted to be the chairperson of UTAR Chemistry Society in my second year. This is a course based society in which the committees from the course organizing fascinating activities to unite all the course mates. It gives the opportunity for us to contribute to the community by launching science activities in primary school to raise the interest of children in science. Other than that, it also allows us to visit to numerous companies such as IKA Works (Asia), CAPE Technology, Jabatan Kimia, Vitagen etc. It is pleased to see the juniors are having more and more interesting events after I have signed off from the EXCO team.

Moreover, I considered myself active in UTAR Community Service Society by being committee members and participants in events such as UTAR 30 Hours Famine, 3 O?s (orphanage, old folks

& OKU) Project and so on. This is the society that enhanced my communication, leadership and time management skills. It made my university life much more unforgettable. Other than that, it is proud that we will have the Chung Ling 50th Anniversary World Carnival in UTAR campus soon.

UTAR is established in 2002, 16 years ago. It is still considered fresh among all the universities in Malaysia. However, the market appreciates its students and alumni and does not deny their capabilities. For instance, I used to work in a commercial laboratory after two months I finished my study. I found that my senior who had just graduated two years earlier than me was the head of department of the company. Now, I am working in a Japanese company. It is glad that there are also many UTAR alumni working in the same company with different department including production, R&D, quality assurance, human resource and sales.

Last but not the least, I would like to take this golden opportunity to thank the following people for making my UTAR life interesting:

  • My parents, grandparents and all the family members

  • My partner Ms Chew

  • My chemistry courses mates, juniors and seniors

  • My FYP supervisor, academic advisor, lecturers, lab officers and DSA officers

  • EXCO of UTAR Chemistry society 2016/17

  • EXCO of CLESIC of UTAR 2016/17

  • All my friends from UTAR Community  Service Society

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