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UTAR, is our choice!

Cheong Wooi Seng


Batch of March 2017

I would like to take this opportunity to share my university life in UTAR, from nearly give up until I manage to finish MBA within 3 years (8 trimesters) with satisfactory result (CGPA ˃ 3.7). I?m a production manager in a factory which is located in Ipoh and specializes in manufacturing of precision mechanicals parts for various industries. Before the end of 2013, I visited an education fair in Ipoh and I accidentally found that UTAR offered the MBA program in Kampar campus. The driving force to study part time MBA was I realize the obstacle to move forward for a production manager who lack of financial knowledge which is very important to manage a company.

I?m a science graduate who never learn the business and finance subjects. Study Master of Business Administration was very challenging to me and major in Finance even double up the difficulty. During the first trimester, I did not adapt myself in the university life especially the teaching mode. Luckily, the lecturers understand our situation especially those working adults. They were very helpful to guide the students accomplish their assignments and also shared their experience to the students. I never miss the classes despite tired and busy because the whole ambient in the classes were very interactive and enjoyable. I also received the very encouraging messages from the lecturer. Thank you Mr. Yew King Tuck, you are a very considerate lecturer! After the first trimester, I gradually moved on to the right track.   

The combination of the architectures, lakes, trees, mountains, and wild birds in UTAR Kampar constitute a piece of beautiful painting. The campus is a good place for doing exercise like jogging. The library also is one of my favourite places to visit, sitting near to the window to enjoy the lake view able to reduce study stress.

Based on my own experience, further study actually is one of the high return investment activities, not only we can gain the professional knowledge for better prospect, we able to make new friends with different backgrounds and cultures, and the expenses to purchase books and tuition fees are also eligible for income tax deduction. During the study period, I also able to save money for personal interests such as entertainment and traveling because working, doing assignments, and studying already occupied most of my time. Another unexpected gain is I able to train myself to work efficiently because during the study period, I need to finish my daily tasks before 6pm and rush to the campus to attend the class.

Lastly, I wish to thank you to my family, lecturers and friends who continuously give me support and guidance. I also congratulate to UTAR which climb to number two ranking among the local universities in the recent survey by the Times Higher Education Asia University Rankings 2017. I?m proud being an Utarian and UTAR definitely is my choice to pursue PhD in future. 

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