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UTAR's Life

Sharon Wong

Bachelor of Arts and Social Science (Hons) Advertising with Merit

March 2017


I am very blessed and thankful today, to be given the opportunity to further and most importantly to complete my studies, to be here putting on my pink robes and celebrating my graduation day after three years of hard work.

Three years, just in a blink of eye. To be honest, UTAR was not my choice but it turned out to be the place that made who am I today. Perhaps, as the quote saying, ?You may not always end up where you thought you were going, but you will always end up where you are meant to be.?. Despite all those hardship and struggles, I have learnt, gained knowledge, experienced something different and even met awesome people along the way.

Advertising is my achievement. I have chosen to be major in graphic design as I have interest in art, which is mainly being influenced by my high school teacher. Art speaks where words are unable to explain, a form of expression and art can be very fun. Throughout the course, I have learnt how to work in a group, be able to adapt whatever was expected to me either delegating tasks as a group leader or stepping back and take direction from someone who is knowledgeable than I am, arranging my time to meet assignments deadlines, preparing for presentations and exams etc.


Apart from that, to be lucky enough, I am glad that I have an opportunity to be assigned in a creative team and completed my three months internship in an advertising firm, Dentsu Young & Rubicam Malaysia. Three months restless (due to long working hours) yet fun and worthwhile internship had made me gained much experience on how an advertising firm works.

I would like to express my gratitude to all the lecturers and tutors that have given their advices and guidance throughout my studies. For my course mates, thank you for the companionship and being part of my journey.

Last but not least, thank you dad and mum for everything with hugs, I?m nothing without them. Thank you all those who walked along with me and given your guidance, support and love throughout my studies. Appreciate it all and I can?t wait for what the future brings.

To the juniors, study smart and play hard. Do enjoy your university life as much as you can because you will definitely miss school life after you work. Not forgetting, set goal, work hard and achieve it! Good luck and all the best.

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