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Chong Zheng Lun

Bachelor of Information Systems (Hons) Business Information System

Batch of August 2017

When the moment I was standing on the stage and took my stage of photograph, I was very excited that I finished my study for four years in UTAR Kampar. All the four years memories here flashed through my mind. Those people I met, those activities I joined, those hard times I went through, as well the food I ate in Kampar. These precious and sweet memories I would never forget. I still remember, when the time I choose university to further my study, UTAR was not my first choice; however, finally I'm here for some reasons. I'm not regret that I studied at UTAR Kampar, "it is a peaceful and nice place for study", I always say to my friends.

The most enjoyable moment for me here was the peak period of the trimester, which between the middle-end of the trimester. One of the reasons I enjoy it a lot is the busy life makes me feel enrich and improvement, although it was tiring. Most of the time was spent to meaningful activities, such as rushing of multiple assignments at a time, study for the mid-term examinations, attending the meeting of events, practicing martial arts and so forth. I always felt great to relax after busy moment, like hanging out for a movie with friends, chit chat at mamak stall until mid-night or sleep for whole day. "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy", just enjoy it. What a wonderful university life.


Moreover, I'm grateful to have an opportunity that I can study my degree, Business Information System here and get a great job in Penang after graduating from UTAR. In workplace, it is not only about to apply the technical knowledges I learned in class, but also the soft skills that I gained when I participated the co-curriculum in UTAR. Here I recall some words someone said to me, "besides to gain knowledge from university, the most important is how you can grow up here, university like a society, just a small version one." I strongly agree with the statement, everything here have to be independent, unlike primary and secondary school, everything have to be well planned and managed, be responsible and ask if do not know. "What you did and what you have to bear with the consequences, we are teenager, not a child".


Last but not least, I would like to thank to my family, friends and lecturers who give me the supports and advices during tough time. Whenever I try to give up, you always give me encouragement and be with me. Dearest friends, here is the end of our four years degree life, I appreciate the precious moment we have in UTAR, meeting you was fate, becoming your friends was a choice, but all good things come to an end, and we start our new journey. Hope we can get together and meet in somewhere, to make another precious moment in the future. It would be a totally different feeling and experience, I believe. Stay happy and healthy.     

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