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MAY 2019

UTAR Not My First Choice But I am Proud to be A UTARIAN

I believed most of us who studied in UTAR did not chose UTAR as our first choice or probably UTAR was one of our last choice - back up plan. For me, it was my back up plan since it is the cheapest among others and I thought because UTAR was in KL (actually it is not really in KL), it should be really fun because there are a lot of entertainments. Since I didn't get the offer from the government university that I wanted, so UTAR back up plan was taken. And out of my expectation, UTAR Sungai Long, is just one block of building (the time when I came in it was just Block A), without a campus. Kind of disappointed as some of my friends in other universities have a very big and beautiful campus, but because I never study in any other university before, so yes, life in UTAR begins and eventually the four years just passed in a blink of eyes. 

Frankly speaking, studying in UTAR was not easy because of the syllabus here. You will have to really work hard to pass and score. People always said UTAR exams are harder so I am proud as I graduated as a UTARIAN! Shout out to all that has graduated from UTAR - YOU GUYS ROCK! I personally believe that every student has their own challenges no matter which university you studied in. Yet, it is really fun and life changing as in university, you no longer get feed by your teacher and you have to somehow work with other students for assignments and projects. It is through all of these that you learn a lot of interpersonal skills. 

I really thank God that I met very good friends in UTAR. Those are friends that I can rely on during ups and downs. I miss the moments when we rushed for assignments because of last minutes work, how we get frustrated and tired with few assignments due in the same week and brain juice running low, yet it is a very good moment when you think back.  We have moments when we did not agree with each other and of the different personality and stereotypes we brought as we are all from different background, but I believe this is what makes a good combination of us because life would be boring if everything run smooth. 

Before coming in university, I was excited and told myself that I am going to join a lot of clubs and events. Yet, I managed to join actively in just one society because your schedule can get packed enough if you commit in one society. I even researched about this society before I came in UTAR because I was excited to finally join a society which I do not have a chance to join during high school. It turned out to be a really amazing and unforgettable experiences I have with these bunch of people that we worked together for events and activities that add values to people's life and our own life as well. It was really a very good and sweet experience to do activities with friends in society. You get to meet a lot of people and find a second family in university.    

Be open heart and mind. You will meet really a lot of different people in university. When life gives you lemon, make lemonade. The weather is not always bright, but there is always blue sky and rainbow after the storm. It could be depressing because along the way you might felt lonely, or feeling not enough and capable to do things better. Some of us might be the first time to left home to study here and are excited of finally can stop being nagged by parents, or are worried and fear of not being able to get along with people. I personally was so homesick that every time when I went back home during semester break, I would cried (might be too exaggerating but I really did) when I had to leave home to start the new semester because life in home was just too good that you do not need to worry about many things. 

Everyone is different, be yourself, be kind and of goof courageous. Because the world tell us that you must be the first in the class that you are good. And out of that, you are just lacking and you should be better. Don't let the outside to tell you what to do, but discover your potential as you go through challenges. Then you will see that you are capable to grow through all the challenges and finally graduate! You are more than able than what you think. Get yourself out of your comfort zone and you will find that actually, you can do it and you get to know yourself even more. And you will know that not just being the best student are life goal but there are so many other things that you can achieve in life.

I never regret of studying here because I believe every experiences in our life is to make us to become a better person as we try to learn from every lesson in life. You will need a lot of positive energy in UTAR, be the one who spread this energy and enjoy life. This is the time that you are free to make many decisions by your own and you are not tight with many responsibilities. So fly high and shine!  

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