Ir. Prof. Dr. Lim Yun Seng
  • solder alloy
    Platinum is added into the solder alloy to improve the electrical characteristics of the solder.
    Date of Conceived : may 21, 2012
    Date of Declared : nov 21, 2012
  • solder alloy
    The solder alloy contains platinum particles that can reduce the resistivity with better connectivity which is ideal for soldering solar cells.
    Date of Conceived : nov 20, 2012
    Date of Declared : apr 01, 2019
  • 2. fuzzy control method on bi-directional inverter with energy storage for distribution networks with renewable energy
    A novel control algorithm implemented in the bidirectional inverter to control the power flow between the distribution network and the batteries in order to mitigate voltage rise and voltage unbalance issues.
    Date of Conceived : jun 14, 2013
    Date of Declared : jul 01, 2013
  • development of pt-reinforced sn-ag-cu solder alloy for green electronics
    This is a platinum reinforced solder alloy for the use of electronic devices so that the efficiency of the device can be improved.
    Date of Conceived : dec 20, 2013
    Date of Declared : dec 20, 2013
  • distributed energy storage system with fuzzy control for mitigating power quality issues on low voltage networks
    A new energy storage system which can be distributed across various networks.
    Date of Conceived : apr 25, 2014
    Date of Declared : apr 28, 2014
  • a lead free solder alloy containing platinum particles as reinforcement
    A new combination of solder alloy is developed that contain platinum to improve the conductivity of the solder for reduced power loss.
    Date of Conceived : mar 15, 2017
    Date of Declared : mar 15, 2017
  • a method for creating an interconnection between solar cells within the solar panel
    A platinum reinforced solder is used to join the solar cells to reduce the resistivity of the solder join
    Date of Conceived : mar 15, 2017
    Date of Declared : mar 15, 2017
  • a method for creating an interconnection between solar cells within a solar panel
    A novel method has been developed to interconnect the solar cells with the ribbon using platinum reinforced solder. This can improve the efficiency of the solar panels.
    Date of Conceived : mar 15, 2017
    Date of Declared : mar 15, 2017
  • stabilised islanded operation of a distribution network using fuzzy-based control
    A fuzzy-based control is implemented into energy storage system to conduct islanded operation of photovoltaic system during the shut down of the grid.
    Date of Conceived : jan 12, 2018
    Date of Declared : feb 02, 2018
  • stabilised islanded operation of a distribution network using fuzzy-based control
    This patent is to allow the islanded operation of the photovoltaic system such that the PV can still supply electricity in the absence of grid.
    Date of Conceived : jan 12, 2018
    Date of Declared : sep 28, 2022
  • stabilised islanded operation of a distribution network using fuzzy-based control
    This controller is used for the energy storage to conduct islanded operation of photovoltaic systems to improve the reliability of electricity supply during grid outage.
    Date of Conceived : jan 10, 2019
    Date of Declared : jan 10, 2019
  • minimal forecasting reliant controller for energy storage device for mitigate peak demands
    It is a novel controller for energy storage system to reduce maximum demands for customers and utility companies to reduce electricity bills and investment costs.
    Date of Conceived : apr 10, 2019
    Date of Declared : sep 09, 2019
  • minimal forecasting reliant controller for energy storage for energy storage device to mitigate peak demand
    A new controller has been developed for the energy storage system to reduce the maximum demand on power grid such that the utility companies can avoid installing new power plants and defer the network reinforcement. This approach can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the cost of investment for the utility companies. The electricity price can be maintained or reduced.
    Date of Conceived : apr 17, 2019
    Date of Declared : may 06, 2019
  • minimal forecasting reliant controller for energy storage device to mitage peak demands
    It is an active controlled for energy storage system to mitigate maximum demands for customers and utility companies.
    Date of Conceived : dec 12, 2019
    Date of Declared : feb 04, 2020
  • fuzzy control method on bi-directional inverter with energy storage for distribution network with renewable energy
    This is an algorithm for the energy storage system to mitigate voltage rise issues caused by the penetration of renewable energy sources on the distribution networks.
    Date of Conceived : sep 26, 2020
    Date of Declared : may 25, 2021