the effect of aerobic exercises on pain, quality of life in primary headache - a literature review
global congress on sustainability for growth & development (gcsgd) 2020
Organised by nilai university, malaysia, galgotias university, india, fatima college, india. at onlinejul 18, 2020
neurological assessment: an overview
webinar series-4 "vision for rehabilitation"
Organised by shri indra ganesan institute of medical sciences, college of physiotherapy, trichy, india at google meet (online)apr 29, 2021
"neurological examination on perceptual disorders"
Organised by saveetha college of physiotherapy, chennai, india at online (zoom)dec 05, 2021 - Dec 10, 2021
"overview and physiology migraine"
Organised by utar physiotherapy society at online (m teams)jan 11, 2022
"migraine: an overview"
spider webinar
Organised by saveetha college of physiotherapy, saveetha institute of medical and technical sciences, india at online (g meet)sep 19, 2022
impact of covid-19 pandemic on existing migraine
symptoms among university students in malaysia: a
cross-sectional pilot study
lkc fes postgraduate colloquium
Organised by lee kong chian faculty of engineering and science (lkc fes), universiti tunku abdul rahman (utar) at kb502nov 30, 2022
perceptual disorders from a physiotherapy perspective
webinar on neurological examination and management
Organised by apollo college of physiotherapy, chittor, a.p. india at onlineaug 05, 2024