Prof. Dr Alan Ong Han Kiat
  • lifetable demographics of freshwater cladoceran moina macrocopa in relation to potential diets
    asian pacific aquaculture conference 2009
    Organised by world aquaculture society, malaysian fisheries society, department of fisheries malaysia, upm at pwtc, kl
    nov 03, 2009 - Nov 06, 2009
  • effects of enrichment time and oil emulsions on the hufa profile of moina macrocopa
    asian pacific aquaculture conference
    Organised by world aquaculture society, malaysian fisheries society, department of fisheries malaysia, upm at pwtc, kl
    nov 03, 2009 - Nov 06, 2009
  • molecular microbiology of farmed freswater fish: toward coupled sustainable fish and food plant production
    society for general microbiology spring conference, eicc, edinburgh, 29 march - 1 april 2010
    Organised by society of general microbiology, uk. at edinburgh, uk
    mar 29, 2010 - Apr 01, 2010
  • partial sequence analysis of cytochorme oxidase i (coi) gene of mitochondria dna in hirudinaria species
    36th annual conference of the malaysian society for biochemistry and molecular biology
    Organised by malaysian society for biochemistry and molecular biology at eastin hotel, pj
    jul 27, 2011 - Jul 28, 2011
  • characterisation of induced pluripotent stem cells (ipscs) derived from prostate and breast cancer cell lines.
    10th asia-pacific conference on human genetics
    Organised by asia pasific society of human genetics at crowne plaza mutiara hotel, kuala lumpur, malaysia
    dec 05, 2012
  • genomic instability, microsatellite instability and hypermethylation patterns of specific promoter regions in breast and prostate cancer cell lines and their spheroid derivatives.
    10th asia-pacific conference on human genetics
    Organised by asia pacific society of human genetics at crowne plaza mutiara hotel, kuala lumpur, malaysia
    dec 05, 2012 - Dec 06, 2012
  • microbiology diversity associated with precancerous, cancerous and cancer-free conditions of the oral cavity
    10th asia-pacific conference on human genetics
    Organised by asia pacific society of human genetics at crowne plaza mutiara hotel, kuala lumpur, malaysia
    dec 05, 2012 - Dec 08, 2012
  • establishment of induced pluripotent stem cells from keratinocytes
    utar national postgraduate fundamental and applied sciences seminar 2013
    Organised by centre for biodiveristy research, utar at perak campus, utar
    may 13, 2013 - May 14, 2013
  • isolation of stem cells from human plucked hair
    utar national postgradaute fundamental and applied sciences seminar 2013
    Organised by centre for biodiversity research, utar at perak campus, utar
    may 13, 2013 - May 14, 2013
  • generatio n o f induced pluripo tent stem cells fro m thp-1 cell line
    utar npfass 2013
    Organised by centre fo r bio diversity research, faculty o f science, institute o f po stgraduate studies & research, utar at utar, kampar campus
    may 13, 2013 - May 14, 2013
  • phenotypic and molecular characterization of sphere-forming cell subpopulations in breast cancer cell lines
    annual scientific congress in oncology for malaysian oncological society
    Organised by malaysian oncological society at shangri-la hotel, kuala lumpur, malaysia
    nov 29, 2013 - Dec 01, 2013
  • phenotypic expression of reprogrammed osteosarcoma cell lines
    international society of cellular therapy 2014 annual meeting.
    Organised by international society for cellular therapy at paris, france
    apr 23, 2014 - Apr 26, 2014
  • variable responses upon reprogramming of osteosarcoma cells.
    international congress of pathology and laboratory medicine
    Organised by college of pathologists of malaysia and the academy of medicine of malaysia at shangri-la hotel, kuala lumpur
    aug 26, 2014 - Aug 28, 2014
  • reprogramming cancer cells derived from human oral squamous cell carcinoma (oscc)
    international congress of pathology and laboratory medicine,
    Organised by college of pathologists of malaysia and the academy of medicine of malaysia at shangri-la hotel, kuala lumpur
    aug 26, 2014 - Aug 28, 2014
  • reprogramming of osteosarcoma cell lines through retrovirus-mediated transduction
    proceedings of the international congress of pathology and laboratory medicine
    Organised by college of pathologists of malaysia and the academy of medicine of malaysia at shangri-la hotel, kuala lumpur
    aug 26, 2014 - Aug 28, 2014
  • next-generation sequencing of mirna of hypoxic cultured bm-msc, the possibility for cancer therapy
    international medical genetics conference
    Organised by medical genetics society of malaysia at pwtc kuala lumpur
    dec 03, 2014 - Dec 05, 2014
  • cross lineage differentiation of induced pluripotent stem cells derived from oral squamous cell carcinoma (ipsc-oscc)
    2015 annual scientific meeting of cpath amm & 40th anniversary celebration of the pathology advocates
    Organised by cpath amm at berjaya times square hotel, kuala lumpur
    jun 13, 2015 - Jun 14, 2015
  • differential mirnas profiling expression associated with three-dimensional structure of cancer stem cell-like spheroid model derived from human breast cancer mcf7 cells using next generation sequencing (ngs)
    $th utar seminar on stem cell and ipsc research
    Organised by cscr, utar and ust, taiwan at utar, sg. long
    aug 03, 2015 - Aug 04, 2015
  • epithelial-mesenchymal transition (emt) deregulation in oral squamous cell carcinoma induced pluripotent stem cells (oscc-ipscs)
    cira international symposium
    Organised by kyoto university and cira at miyakomesse, kyoto, japan
    nov 06, 2017 - Nov 08, 2017
  • gene expression profile of dna damage response pathways upon osteosarcoma cell lines reprogramming
    cira 2017 international symposium
    Organised by kyoto university and cira at miyakomesse, kyoto, japan
    nov 06, 2017 - Nov 08, 2017
  • circularrna(circrna) expression profiles associated with osimertinib resistance in egfr l858r/t790m mutant nsclc cell line
    icpalm 2020
    Organised by college of pathologist, academy of medicine, malaysia, upm, utar at putra jaya marriott hotel, putra jaya malaysia
    jun 25, 2020 - Jun 27, 2020
  • the establishment of ipsc derived msc for regenerative study
    3rd biennial international fmhs conference of medical and health sciences
    Organised by fmhs utar at virtual conference, kl.
    nov 22, 2021 - Nov 26, 2021
  • the study of stroma environment with imsc model
    14th meeting of the asia pacific federation of pharmacologist.
    Organised by the pharmacological society in taiwan at taipei international convention centre
    nov 26, 2021 - Nov 29, 2021
  • the development of ipsc-derived cardiomyocyte cell sheets (icm) for cardiovascular treatment
    monash initiate 2022, monash international health science and technology conference
    Organised by monash university malaysia at virtual
    sep 27, 2022 - Sep 28, 2022
  • genetic variation of hirudinaria species using inter simple sequence repeat (issr) technique
    36th annual conference of the malaysian society for biochemistry and molecular biology
    Organised by malaysian society for biochemistry and molecular biology at eastin hotel, pj
    jul 27, 2011 - Jul 28, 2011
  • molecualr characterisation of ammoni-oxidizing bacteria in disused tin-mining ponds within kampar, perak
    mtsf symposium 2011
    Organised by um and mtsf at auditorium, asia-eurpoe institute, um
    dec 20, 2011
  • molecular diversity of ammonia and methane oxidising in disused tin mining ponds located within perak, kampar
    utar national postgraduate fundamental and applied sciences seminar 2013
    Organised by center for biodiveristy research, utar at perak campus, utar
    may 13, 2013 - May 14, 2013
  • allelic diveristy and microsatellite dna analysis for southeast asian crocodile, tomistoma schlegelii
    fundamental science congress, 2013
    Organised by upm at upm
    aug 20, 2013 - Aug 21, 2013
  • unique oral bacteria diversity associated with oral cancer
    18th biological sciences graduate congress (bsgc)
    Organised by um at um
    jan 06, 2014 - Jan 08, 2014
  • reprogramming to access cellular systems in cancer
    4th utar seminar on stem cell and ipsc research
    Organised by cscr, utar and ust, taiwan at utar, sg. long
    aug 03, 2015 - Aug 04, 2015
  • molecular profiling of mesenchymal stem cells, cancer stem cells and reprogrammed cancer cells: some highlights and implications
    4th utar seminar on stem cell and ipsc research
    Organised by cscr, utar and ust, taiwan at utar sg. long
    aug 03, 2015 - Aug 04, 2015
  • distinctive gene expression patterns between osteosarcoma cell lines correlate with reprogramming capacity
    isct 2016
    Organised by international society for cellular therapy at suntec convention and exhibition centre 1 raffles blvd suntec city singapore
    may 24, 2016 - May 28, 2016
  • cancer spheroid-enriched with cancer stem cell properties derived from human breast mdamb- 231 cell line
    international student congress of (bio)medical sciences (iscoms)
    Organised by iscom at university medical center groningen, the netherlands
    jun 07, 2016 - Jun 10, 2016
  • co-culture of adipose msc and breast cancer cells: infl uence on cancer progression and cancer stem cell properties and the presence of exosomes
    international student congress of (bio)medical sciences (iscoms), 2016
    Organised by iscoms at university medical center groningen, the netherlands
    jun 07, 2016 - Jun 10, 2016
  • is spheroid a model for breast cancer stem cell?
    5th utar scip 2016
    Organised by cscr, utar at fmhs sungai long campus
    sep 05, 2016
  • probable impact of age and hypoxia on proliferation and microrna expression profile of bone marrow-derived human mesenchymal stem cells
    5th utar scip 2016
    Organised by cscr, utar at fmhs, sungai long campus
    sep 05, 2016
  • what does ngs says about the mirna transcriptome signatures of breast cancer, mcf7 and mda-mb-231 cells exhibiting csc properties?
    2nd joint utar-ust (taiwan) symposium on cancer & stem cell research
    Organised by utar-ust at national yang ming university, taipei, taiwan
    oct 16, 2017 - Oct 17, 2017
  • emt deregulation in oral squamous cell carcinoma - induced pluripotent stem cells
    2nd joint utar_ust symposium on cancer and stem cell reseasrch
    Organised by ust and utar at nymu, taipai, taiwan
    oct 16, 2017 - Oct 17, 2017
  • exosomal mirna associated with the interaction of adipose-derived msc and breast cancer cell lines
    17th international conference of asia pacific assocaition of surgical tissue banks (apastb)
    Organised by mactb, tesma, mbs at bangi-putrajaya hotel, selangor, malaysia
    aug 28, 2018 - Aug 30, 2018
  • exosomal mirna profile of adipose-derived msc interaction with breast cancer cell lines: potential implications and applications
    stem cell and cancer symposium 2018
    Organised by um, faculty of medicine at um
    oct 17, 2018 - Oct 18, 2018
  • potential influence of exosomal mirna of adipose-derived msc on the cancer properties of breast cancer cells
    2019 international conference of translational medicine and advanced therapeutics
    Organised by taipei veterens general hospital, taiwan at genomic center & institute of pharmacology, national yang-ming university
    dec 04, 2019
  • human ipscs-derived lung organoids as personalized cancer model to investigate tumor microenvironment of non-small cell lung cancer (nsclc)
    19th annual scientific meeting, college of pathologists, academy of medicine of malaysia (cpathamm)
    Organised by college of pathologists, academy of medicine of malaysia (cpathamm) at virtual
    jun 22, 2022 - Jun 24, 2022
  • the study of lung cancer cell under stroma environment through imsc model
    monash initiate 2022, monash international health science and technology conference
    Organised by monash university malaysia at virtual
    sep 27, 2022 - Sep 28, 2023
  • establishment of hipscs derived 3dlung organoids as disease modelling for respiratory diseases
    4th mk fmhs international conference
    Organised by mk fmhs at the everly putrajaya(malaysia)
    sep 18, 2023 - Sep 19, 2023
  • tumour‐suppressive role of circspint2 in osimertinib-resistant non-small cell lung cancer (nsclc) cells
    international congress of pathology & laboratory medicine (icpalm) 2023
    Organised by (icpalm) at putra world trade centre, kuala lumpur (malaysia)
    sep 20, 2023 - Sep 22, 2023