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Lok Huey Chuen

Lok Huey Chuen, Assistant Manager
Counselling Unit
2009 - 05/2011

Today is my last working day & I would like to say Good Bye to all who have been part of my life at UTAR.

I would like to take this opportunity to show my hearty thanks to all of you. 

Ms.Tee, thank you for giving me opportunity to work in UTAR at the first place and giving me kind guidance and support all the way. Experiences I gained in UTAR  within the service period is invaluable.

Wai Yoon, Angus, Janice and Kai Shuen, I'm very blessed to work with you in counselling unit as you all are great people with kind heart and passion!

Chiang and all lovely colleagues in Perak, I have learnt a lot from all of you. A big 'Thank You'for you all for giving me lots of good memory.

All colleagues in PJ, Setapak and Sg. Long, it's been great knowing all of you & I really enjoy the time we spent together during meeting and in-house training.
Thanks for your kind understanding and support.I am touched to receive a gift from you. Ms.Tee, Yu Long, Janice, Connie, Nava and Junyi,you seemed can read my mind, I really like the book :)

Last but not least,thanks for every friendship made and experinced shared.You can reach me at in future. Do keep in touch.

All the best to you and Bon Voyage!