Department of Student Affairs (Kampar Campus)
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Student Services
From the Left: Mr Phoon, Mr Ou, Ms Serena, Mr Khor

 We strive towards to providing you a high quality of services and welfares for students


 I) Provision of Student's Facilities & Equipment



II) Discipline / Conduct Standards
  • To administer the disciplinary process in a manner that protects the due process rights of students while maintaining the integrity of the institution.
  • To use student misconduct to educate students on critical issues such as tolerance, good citizenship, substance abuse and relationship violence.
  • To educate students and the community-at-large on university policies and regulations, the behavioral expectations of students and the judicial process
  • To educate students on current legal issues related to student conduct.


III) Health & Wellness Support
  • To promote and/or create awareness of various medical conditions, prevent diseases and maintain healthy lifestyle through various campaigns, talks and activities.
  • To develop and provide resource about wellness dimension. To liaise with clinic/hospital, as appropriate to organize education program


Typical Activities

  • Personal Insurance Claim - To administer & help all UTAR students by a group personal accident policy.
  • First Aids/Accident case - To assist and advice student after accident happen or in the event of emergencies.
  • Collaborate with LPPKN to organise free HPV vaccination programme
  • Conducting awareness campaign/talks/briefing regarding various health topics such as HIV, diabetes, asthma, epilepsy, tuberculosis and others to staff and students
  • Conducting environmental wellness campaign (i.e. recycle, volunteer with environmental organizations, aware of Earth's natural resources and spend time outdoors.)
  • Conducting wellness week which students can access free medical screening, information sessions, and counseling for various health concerns.
  • UTAR Wellness Centre - Collaborate with doctor to provide medical knowledge/briefing for staff and students.


You can check & find out all the activities that have been conducted by clicking here. 

  • Gotong-Royong Campaign
  • Cycling for Charity
  • Health Awareness
  • Reused Clothes Campaign & Others.


We also organised social responsibilities activities in the past and for the future ahead. 

  • To create more socially responsible and environmentally conscious in Malaysian society.
  • To instil a green mindset among the UTAR fraternity and the public through the various activities in every trimesters
  • To collaboratively undertake conservation measures.

If you are interested in participating in any events, please email us (