Department of Student Affairs (Kampar Campus)
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Counselling & Guidance
What Do We Do?

Our counsellors can help you with issues that are important to you. We provide counselling services to enhance personal and emotional well-being as well as to guide you with your career pathway. Our counsellors are qualified, well-trained and abide by the counselling ethics. We will listen without judgement, offer new perspectives and work with you on strategies that are right for you. Anything that you say to us will be strictly confidential.



Counselling is a confidential service. Anything that you say or do will be kept in the strictest confidence. There are specific occasions under which counsellors are obligated by law to break this confidentiality. Our counsellors will inform you about the limits of confidentiality.



Call or drop in to Department of Student Affairs



In the case of an emergency or if you want to talk to someone immediately, please contact:
Befrienders  (03) 7956 8144 / 7956 8145 (24 hours service) / other NGO Helplines


Counselling Services

A wide range of services is provided by qualified counsellors from the Department of Student Affairs. The counsellors are always ready to provide assistance to students with regards to their academic, career or personal problems.


Counselling and Guidance Unit also organises talks, seminars and workshops on Stress Management, Career Planning, Peer Helping and Learning Skills to assist students in adjusting to university life.


Learn more about our counselling services