Department of Student Affairs (Kampar Campus)
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Safety News
  1. "Pokemon Go" Mobile Game Safely

  2. Injury/Sudden Illness Reporting Procedures

  3. Revised on Parking and Traffic Regulations

  4. Beware of Roberry during Examination Period

  5. Personal Safety Tips

  6. Safety At Home

  7. Traffic Rules and Regulations

  8. Cooking Inside the Office

  9. Beware of Snatch Theft

  10. Notice on Access During Security Hours

  11. Notice on Car Theft Prevention

  12. Beware of Snatch Theft

  13. "Scratch & Win" Syndicates

  14. Reminders from Kampar Police

  15. Direct Selling or Pyramid Schemes

  16. Keep your own Belonging Safe


Pokemon Go" Mobile Game Safely

The Department of Safety and Security (DSS) would like to advise all staff and students: 

1) Don't get so engrossed in the game that you lose awareness of what's happening around you. 

2) Be cautious any time you share your location through GPS technology. 

3) Be aware of your personal safety when out looking for Pokemon. 

4) Watch where you are walking, be aware of your surroundings and do not walk out into roads without looking. 

5) Do not play the game and drive any vehicle or ride any personal mobility device at the same time. You cannot do both safely. 

6) Do not trespass onto restricted areas and private properties. Do not take pictures of restricted areas. 

7) Be aware that you are potentially sharing data with others; there could be potential criminals who may seek the opportunity to lure victims to their fake "Pokestops". 

8) Never reveal your personal information and watch out for fake apps or cheat tools. Cyber criminals can access your personal data to commit fraud or hack into your phone with viruses and malware.



Injury/Sudden Illness Reporting Procedures


  1. Who to contact in case of emergency?


1.1 During Office Hours


All incidents/accidentsrelated injuries/sudden illness occurring in the University campus/event must be immediately reported to the office of Department of Safety and Security (DSS). The staff of DSS will make all necessary referrals to ensure prompt treatment for the injury, including arrangement for transport of the injured person.


DSS staff is to contact first aiders in DSS / those closest to the place of the incident/accident to render first aid and to prepare the person for transport to the nearest hospital/clinic for medical attention.


DSS is to ensure updated DSS office extension numbers, list of First Aiders and contact numbers and other emergency numbers are placed at the strategic area of every Faculty and Department General Office and in OSH material linked to UTAR main webpage.)


If the person who is injured/ill is conscious, he should be warned not to move until a first aider has attended to him. This person should be warned not to exert himself and, if appropriate, should be moved to a safe area.


If the wounded person is immobile and unconscious, arrangement should be made to transport him to the nearest clinic / hospital.


            1.2       After Office Hours


In case of any incident/accident related injuries/sudden illness occurring in the University campus/event venues, either:


(a) Call the Emergency number which is updated and notice placed at every floor of each building by DSS or


(b)  Call for the nearest security guard to contact security officer/supervisor on duty.


(c)  The security officer/supervisor on duty will make all necessary referrals to ensure prompt treatment for the injury, including arrangement for transport of the injured person.


(d)  DSS staff is to ensure all the updated emergency numbers, first aiders’ names and contact numbers and security offices’ extension numbers are made available at the strategic areas of the campus / event venue.




  1.          Pre-Arrival Treatment


First Responders are a vital link in the emergency medical system. All individuals attempting to care for the injured prior to MFA member’s arrival shall be treated with professionalism and all attempts should be made to obtain their identity details.


Revised on Parking and Traffic Regulations (POL-DSS-002)

To: All Staff Members and Students, 

Kindly be informed that the latest revision on Parking and Traffic Regulations (POL-DSS-002) has been approved by SMC and uploaded in Web2 for your reference. 

Staff members from DSS-KPR shall enforce the parking and traffic rules and start issuing citation to violators breaking the rules in due course. 
Student can view the policy at

Department of Safety and Security 
Kampar Campus
22 April 2016


Beware of Roberry during Examination Period

Dear students,

Recently there have been many break in cases in the Kampar area and most of the victims were UTAR students.  

While preparing for your exam, we advise all students always to take the necessary precautionary actions such as to close the gates and doors of your house and not to leave any valuable things unattended.    

Thank you.

Department of Student Affairs


Personal Safety Tips

The following personal safety tips are designed to help you to be more aware of your surroundings, and to help protect yourself by taking step towards crime prevention.


Be aware of your surroundings. If you feel uncomfortable with a person or situation, or if you see something suspicious, do not hesitate to call the police.

Walk with a friend to campus is better than walking alone. If you walk alone make sure you look at the surroundings and always be on the alert. Do not use shortcuts.

Vehicle Safety

Make sure you have your keys ready when approaching your car. Look under and around as you approach your car. Look inside your car before getting in, carefully checking the back seat area.

Immediately lock your doors once you are inside the vehicle.

Do not place your valuables items on the front passenger seat. Always keep your car locked.

Home Safety

Always lock the doors and windows of your house. Close curtains at night.

When someone knocks on your door, check first before opening the door. Open the door only if you know the person. If the person claims to be contractor/utility staff and you were not expecting that person, open the door only after verifying (with your landlord or the company the person works for) the reason for the visit.

If you come home and find a door or window open unexpectedly, you are advised not to enter your house and immediately call the police. If you notice a suspicious person/s near your residence, do not hesitate to call the police.

Thank you

Department of Student Affairs

Sungai Long and Kampar Campuses



Safety at Home



KNOW THE RISK: Twice as many robberies happen in private homes or apartments/flats. Make sure all the doors and windows have good locks before you move in.


LOCK IT UP: Half of all robberies happen on the spur of the moment through unlocked doors or windows. Always lock your door.


DON’T SHOW IT OFF: Make sure your TV, DVD, computer and other valuables can’t be seen from the window, and never leave cash lying around.



KEYS: Don’t leave spare keys outside in a flower pot or under the mat outside the front door. Keep house and car keys out of sight in the house.


INSURANCE: The average cost of a house robbery is RM5000.  Insurance is cheaper! At least get covered for your most valuable items like your computer, TV, stereo and bicycle etc. Keep lists of the brand, model and serial numbers of your electronic items to help police track them down if they are stolen.


PERMANENT MARKERS: Use a permanent marker pen to mark your items with your university name and student ID number. They’re very cheap and easily available.



HOLIDAYS: If you can’t take your valuables with you during the trimester breaks, arrange for them to be held in a secure storage or leave it with a friend.


SAFETY FIRST: If you see signs of a house break-in—like smashed windows or open doors—don’t go in. Go to a friend or neighbour’s house and call the police.



Thank you


Department of Student Affairs


Sungai Long and Kampar Campuses


Personal Safety Tips



The following personal safety tips are designed to help you to be more aware of your surroundings, and to help protect yourself by taking step towards crime prevention.



Be aware of your surroundings. If you feel uncomfortable with a person or situation, or if you see something suspicious, do not hesitate to call the police.

Walk with a friend to campus is better than walking alone. If you walk alone make sure you look at the surroundings and always be on the alert. Do not use shortcuts.


Vehicle Safety

Make sure you have your keys ready when approaching your car. Look under and around as you approach your car. Look inside your car before getting in, carefully checking the back seat area.

Immediately lock your doors once you are inside the vehicle.

Do not place your valuables items on the front passenger seat. Always keep your car locked.


Home Safety

Always lock the doors and windows of your house. Close curtains at night.

When someone knocks on your door, check first before opening the door. Open the door only if you know the person. If the person claims to be contractor/utility staff and you were not expecting that person, open the door only after verifying (with your landlord or the company the person works for) the reason for the visit.

If you come home and find a door or window open unexpectedly, you are advised not to enter your house and immediately call the police. If you notice a suspicious person/s near your residence, do not hesitate to call the police.



Thank you


Department of Student Affairs

Sungai Long and Kampar Campuses




Traffic Rules and Regulations

Dear students,
When using any kind of vehicles in the campus or outside of the campus, please be reminded that you MUST always follow the traffic rules and regulations. This is for your own and the public safety. 
Thank you for your kind cooperation.  
Department of Student Affairs



All staff members are reminded that absolutely NO cooking or boiling of water is to be done inside the offices.

Staff members who wish to heat up food or boil water for consumption may do so at the pantries using SIRIM approved electrical appliances only.

Thank you

Dr. Teh Chee Seng




Mon, Mar 14, 2016 at 8:56 AM


Beware of Snatch Theft

To all female staff and students,

Kindly take note that in the last two days, four female students have been a victim of snatch theft along Jalan Perdana near the East Gate roundabout or in the vicinity of Tesco.

Female students and staff who commute to the University by foot or bicycle are advised to:

1. Always move in a group and never be alone when traveling along the above road
2. Never to leave their bags containing valuables in the vehicle basket of the bicycles
3. Be wary of a male Indian man, aged about 20 to 30 years old, on a motorcycle whose modus operandi is to come from the rear and help himself of any bags containing valuables that is kept in the bicycle basket.

Remember crime prevention is your personal responsibility.

Department of Safety and Security,
Kampar Campus.

Date: Thu, 5 Nov 2009 15:15:13 +0800 (MYT)



To all Academic and Administrative staff,

The University is very concern of the safety and security of students, staff members and its assets especially during non office hours, Sundays and Public Holidays. Enhanced security precautions would be taken during these times.

Referring to University Security Policy and Procedures (POL/DSS-003) and University Access Policy and Procedures (POL/DSS-001), no one is allowed access into the University during 'security hours' except with written approval from the HoD or Supervisor. The security hours defined as:

1.       Hours between 10.30 pm to 7.00 am from Mondays to Fridays;

2.       Hours between 7.00 pm to 7.00 am on Saturdays;

3.       24 hours for Sundays and Public Holidays.

All respective Departments, Divisions and Faculties must inform the Department of Safety and Security (DSS) of any event or function during these times involving their students or staff members. The required information is as follows:

1.        Date and duration

2.         Venue

3.        Name(s) staff or students and Faculty/Division/Department

4.        Vehicle Details (if applicable)

Kindly abide by this guideline so that the safety and security of those involved in any activities or events during security hours can be monitored by DSS and immediate action can be taken in case of any emergency. Your cooperation is highly appreciated.

Thank you

Department of Safety and Security – Kampar Campus

7 May 2015



The university is concerned of the recent car theft took place at vehicle parking area outside UTAR compound leading to Taman Perdana.  There were 2 incident reported involved student’s car on 3rd and 9th March 2015.  The university believes there is a car theft syndicate targeting student’s car parked outside the campus. Police assistance to increase the frequency of police patrol has been requested.


Car theft can be greatly reduced with a few simple precautions:

  •  Always Lock your Car!  Ensure roll up the window and keep the car locked at all times, even if it’s parked on your property or inside campus.
  •  Don’t Leave Valuables on Display in the Car! Never leave valuables in plain view, even if your car is locked. Put them in the trunk or at least out of sight.
  •  Sensible Parking!  Park where passers-by may serve as a deterrent to thieves. If you have a choice, don’t park at an intersection at the end of a line of parked cars. The car is thus vulnerable to towing by thieves. When parked at a curb, turn front wheels sharply toward curb.
  •  Install Mechanical Device! Install a mechanical locking device that lock to the steering wheel or brake to prevent the wheel being turned more than a few degrees.
  •  Invest in an Alarm System!  Have an alarm system installed in your car, loud alarms will quickly deter car theft.

Following most of above advice will not cost you a penny, take very little time, and could save thousands of money. The MOST important thing YOU can do is CALL THE POLICE OR UNIVERSITY SECURITY to report a CRIME or any SUSPICIOUS activity.


Thank you

Department of Safety and Security-PK



Subject: "Scratch & Win" Syndicates

Dear all students,

The University has received reports from the Police Department that there are "Scratch and Win" syndicates operating at major cities in Malaysia. The syndicate members will ask you to scratch given coupons and you may win a prize or get discounted price to purchase luxurious items. Please be aware of such scams in which the "winner" will be asked to pay a certain sum to claim the prizes.

You are advised to ignore those approaching you with this kind of tactic / scam. Please be alert always of strangers around you and do not communicate with them in any way.

Thank you

Department of Student Affairs
Kampar and Sungai Long Campuses


Title: Reminders from Kampar Police

Dear students,

The Kampar Police wish to send the following reminder to those who will be away for the long Chinese New Year holidays and wish you all a Happy Chinese New Year!!!

1. Ensure your house is locked before going back to your home town.
2. Inform the Police if you intend to leave your house.
3. Do not leave any sign that you are not at home.
4. Change your rented house padlock.
5. Bring along your valuable items when you are going back to your home town.
6. You can leave your vehicles at the Kampar Police Station if you are going back to hometown with public transport.

For further information, please call 05-4652222/05-4650020 ext 3714

Thank you.
Department of Student Affairs(Kampar Campus)



Direct Selling or Pyramid Schemes


To all staff and students of UTAR,

It has come to our knowledge that there are recent efforts to recruit members for direct selling or pyramid schemes. People attending the recruitment sessions are asked to deposit money first and then recruit friends to join with promises of good return on investment.

The University strongly advise students and staff to be alert and to take extra care and not to participate in quick money making schemes which maybe illegal and you may lose your savings and investment. We also advises all students to focus on your studies and lead meaningful student lives.

Date: Thu, 5 Nov 2009 14:59:56 +0800 (MYT)


Important Notice - Keep your own belonging safe

Dear students,

Recently there have been many break in cases in the Kampar area and most of the victims were UTAR students.  

While preparing for your exam, we advise all students always to take the necessary precautionary actions such as to close the gates and doors of your house and not to leave any valuable things unattended.    

 Thank you. 
Department of Student Affairs