Department of Student Affairs (Kampar Campus)
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DSA Service Charter

About DSA

A place where we facilitate students' holistic wellness, foster their intellectual growth as well as enrich their personal development.

Our Mission

Department of Student Affairs is deeply committed to enhancing student life from various aspects, apart from their academic performance:

  • To create a sense of belonging for all students during their campus life by providing excellent services.
  • To foster the holistic well-being and development of students as a person via experiential learning, guidance and counselling.
  • To enhance students' leadership and communication skills and enrich their sense of community via organising and joining activities and sports.


Our services

We provide services in the areas as below:

1. Clubs & Societies Unit

This unit aims to

  • Promoting awareness in a broad range of interest and activities
  • Help students to develop leadership skills
  • Help to develop team work among the students
  • Help student to develop discipline to become responsible

Services provided such as

  • Provide absolute advice on student clubs and societies matters
  • Ensure all the student activities are carried out smoothly by following all the rules and regulations set by the University
  • Provide preliminary consultation to committee to prepare proposal and budget of the activities

2. Counselling and Guidance Unit

This unit aims to

  • To promote intellectual and emotional growth by empowering and equipping students through counseling service

Services provided such as

  • Individual and group counseling
  • Career guidance workshop
  • Campus adjustment talk
  • Peer Helping Program/Peer Mentoring Program
  • Movie Review
  • Learning skills workshop
  • EQ Workshop
  • Expressive art therapy
  • Love immunology/No apologies workshop
  • Stress management and relaxation workshop

3. Sports and Recreations Unit

This unit aims to

  • Help students to build a well-balanced lifestyle and integral to the complete collegiate experience through sports and recreation activities.

Services provided such as

  • To provide recreational activities for students
  • To organize competitive activities for students
  • To help student to discover and develop their talents in sports by participating in external /internal competitions.

4. Student Services Unit

This unit aims to

  • To provide a high quality of services and welfares for the students

Services provided such as

  • Arranging daily bus schedule
  • Verifying vehicle sticker application
  • In-charge of student PA and claiming process
  • Gather information of accommodation for the students
  • To attend student feedbacks
  • Coordinating rental of lockers, instrument and mobile boards
  • To attend student on accident/illness matters
  • Coordinating cafeteria matters
  • Coordinating external promotional activities



Our service commitments

  • We act ethically, legally, professionally and integrity at all time.
  • We help students to overcome any obstacle they are facing.
  • We always adhere to privacy principles.
  • We always update students by providing latest and accurate information.
  • We always take into consideration for any special request or need raised by students.
  • We are always willing to listen any feedback to improve our services whenever is needed.


You can help us to improve by

  • Always provide feedback on our services
  • Always cooperative, respectful and courteous to university personnel
  • Always contact us if there is a need as soon as possible
  • Always provide information which is accurate and complete, so that we can take action accordingly.
  • Always check your email and student portal for any update/news which will benefit you.
  • Always respect to the deadline given to avoid any disappointment- be punctual all the time
  • Always abide to the University rules and regulation.


Contact us

  •          Face to face appointment at our office located at C113 or Gymnasium at Student Pavillion1.
  •          To send us email at
  •          To call us at 05-4688888 ext 2280/2281/2282/2283/2284
  •          To send student feedback via student portal
  •          To leave feedback at our facebook,



To be a globl university of educational excellence with transformative societal impact.