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Returning of Cafeteria Spoilt Chairs

Dear staff & students,

If you found out that there is some spoilt chairs in student pavilion I, e.g. the round seat (orange/red) is detached from the chair's leg, please help to return and place them under the staircase near the staff lounge.

Thank you for your co-operation.


Do not feed the animals in the campus

To all Staff and Students in the Kampar Campus:
Please be reminded not to feed the stray animals especially the cats and pigeons in the campus. The stray cats seem to be increasing and this will pose a problem for the campus.
Your kind understanding and cooperation in this matter are greatly appreciated. 
Thank you
Department of Student Affairs
Kampar Campus



Please keep the cafeteria clean and kindly put the bowls, plates, cups, and cutlery into the bucket after finishing your meal.

Thank you


14 September 2015


Subject: Forks & Spoons in Cafeteria, Student Pavillion I (Block C)


Please be informed that students can use any spoons and folks from any cafeteria stalls without hesitation as this had been discussed and agreed by all staff operators in Cafeteria, Student Pavillion I only. Forks and Spoons being shared among each stalls.


Thank you.


Department of Student Affairs

13 August 2012


Subject: Students' Accommodation: Illegal Partitioned Rooms

There are landlords who had made cubicles and partitioned their apartments and have it rented out to students.

Association Committee does not approved of these partitioned cubicles as it not proper (No Municipal approval) & a fire hazard.

Their Committee (maybe with Municipality intervention) will get the landlord to demolish these partition and the students will be the victim of being evicted.

This might also be happening at other places where the lardlords erect cubicles to maximize their income. It is advised that new students not to rent such premises.



Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2012 09:35:09 +0800


Subject: Penalty for illegal parking, sticker violations and parking without sticker

Please note that university management have approved the following penalties:

1. Sticker violations: RM25 for the first violation, and RM50 for subsequent violations. This is applicable to both cars and motorcycles.

2. Illegal Parking: RM5 for bicycles, RM10 for motorbikes, and RM20 for cars and other vehicles.

3. Parking without a sticker or passes: RM50.

Date: Thu, 12 Aug 2010 10:09:09 +0800 (MYT)


Subject: Parking Notice-Kampar Campus

Kindly note that effective January 1 2010, all vehicles parked in non-designated areas will be penalised. Management has approved that the following penalties shall be imposed:

For Car - RM20
Motor cycles - RM10
Bicycles - RM5

In addition cyclists will have their bicycles chained. Bicycles will be unchained on producing the receipt of payment to the Department of Safety and Security.

In the meantime we seek the cooperation of all staff and students to park their vehicles in the designated areas.

Department of Safety and Security
Kampar Campus

Date: Thu, 29 Oct 2009 15:10:54 +0800 (MYT)