SPM students now have an alternative route to an honours degree from Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) through the certificate in Pre-University Studies (CPS) programme being offered at Kolej Tunku Abdul Rahman (KTAR).
The one-year foundation studies programme is an accepted entry qualification into the first year of UTAR's degree courses and is open to students with at least five credits in the SPM.
SPM holders can apply to join UTAR and be guaranteed a place on condition that they complete and pass the CPS programme conducted by KTAR at its main campus in Setapak, Kuala Lumpur.
在SPM考獲至少5科優等的 SPM學生,就可申請修讀拉曼學院提供的大學先修課程, 當完成為期一年的大學證書課程後, 就可 直接被拉曼大學錄取, 修讀3年的學士課程, 考獲受政府承認的榮譽學士學位.
已經在2002年5月修讀拉曼大學先修課程的首批學生,將於今年5月進入拉曼大學, 修讀榮譽學士學 位. 今年5月開課的大學先修課程, 也開始接受報名.