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Peer Mentoring Programme

Peer Mentoring is a form of mentoring that takes place in learning environments such as schools, usually between seniors and freshmen. Peer mentoring is a good way of practicing social skills for the peer mentor and help the mentee on adapting and settling in the new environment. Peer Mentoring Programme (PMP) is scheduled to be carried out in every intake.


The PMP will take place during the orientation week to assist freshmen in their campus life adjustments throughout the first semester.


The PMP is an essential programme thats is based on the concept of “senior guiding junior”. The aims are as the follow:

  • to provide freshmen with a resourceful person who will take personal interest in their personal wellbeing;
  • to create a caring campus through supportive relationship between seniors and juniors initiated with the activities they participate together;
  • to raise the awareness of counselling and wellness in order to manifest the holistic development of students.


Peer mentors are senior students who are willing to share their victories and discoveries to others either within or outside of the campus. They will be a good guidance and information source to help freshmen overcome certain barriers in university life and guide them through the adjustment period.


Mentor refers to a trusted friend, a caring senior or usually a more experienced person.Peer Mentors are usually senior students who had gone through a minimum of 10 hours basic training by Department of Students Affairs counsellors.


Most peer mentors are picked for their sensibility, confidence, social skills and reliability.


The primary role of a peer mentor is to be a friend although he/she can be a peer helper or a resource person to the mentee. In order to facilitate this role, a peer mentor will often hold informal gathering for their mentees. They may also consider activities such as:


  • Meeting up weekly either for lunch or dinner to update each other about what is new;
  • Arranging for outings such as picnics; sports, teambuilding activities
  • Attending cultural activities, talent time, city tour, UTAR ball or any other university based events together, joining counseling events together
  • Besides being a peer mentor to the freshmen, another functional role of them is to refer mentee with major adjustment problem to Counselling and Guidance Unit for professional attention.



Mentors are required to meet certain criteria based on counsellor’s expectations towards Peer Mentors. These criteria are as follows:

  • Passionate on helping freshmen and selected mentees
  • High commitment towards Peer Mentoring Programme
  • Having some social skills
  • Showing care and love towards your juniors
  • Able to work in a team
  • Willing to learn
  • Compulsory to attend the mentors’ training during semester break.


For UTARIAN who are interested, you can register to be a mentor and proceed to the interview session with our programme coordinator at Department of Student Affairs office (Student Pavilion 1).


A student under the guidance of a peer mentor is called a mentee. In PMP, students are not automatically assigned to a peer mentor as registration is required to join the programme. Mentees are expected to take initiative to meet up with their assigned peer mentors. They are to attend all gathering organised by their peer mentors and to share their experiences.