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Use of Sports Complex by External Parties/Individuals

Terms and Conditions for the Use of the Sports Complex by External Parties / Individuals

1.    The Sports Complex of Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (SCUTAR) is only used for games and sports.

2.    Entry and use of SCUTAR are entirely at the users' own risks.

3.    UTAR is not responsible for any accident, injury, illness, death, theft, loss or damage howsoever caused.

4.    Access to and use of SCUTAR are subjected to the booking and full payment made in advance (at least one month prior to the event) to UTAR.

5.    Payment is to be made in accordance to the approved rates by the management.

6.    Third party booking is not allowed.

7.    All cancellations of bookings must be made in writing unless otherwise specified.

8.    A charge will be levied for cancellations:

i.    Less than 48 hours:    Full price
ii.    Less than a week:    50% of the full price
iii.    Less than a month:    25% of the full price
9.    Receipt of payment is to be shown to enter and use SCUTAR.

10.    The person in charge of the event must sign in at the reception desk, indicating details of the group (number of people and time of arrival) and do the same procedure on vacating.

11.    Users must vacate SCUTAR promptly at the end of the allotted time. They are not allowed to walk around the University premises without prior approval.

12.    All users must behave appropriately. Users may be asked to leave the premises if their behavior is deemed inappropriate.

13.    Abuse or misuse of property and equipment is unacceptable. Violators will be held financially responsible for the damages and losses incurred.

14.    All furniture and equipment moved by prior arrangement is to be restored to their original position at the end of the period of usage.

15.    Litter and property belonging to the user, his servants or agents, are to be removed at the end of the period of usage. Any costs incurred by UTAR in removing these items will be paid by the users.

16.    Glass bottles, flammable and or hazardous substances and sharp objects (unless they are deemed as sports equipment) are not to be used.

17.    Smoking is prohibited in or around SCUTAR.

18.    Possession of illegal drugs is prohibited.

19.    The sponsors of the activities in SCUTAR must not be related to:
i.    Products which are generally hazardous to health
ii.    Items that may encourage immoral or subversive behavior or activities
iii.    Items which may be deemed obscene
iv.    Items which may incite sedition, racism or religious intolerance
v.    Items which are against national security
vi.    Any other items which are deemed contradictory to the University's goals and objectives as an institute of higher learning

20.    Banners and buntings related to the event and which are put at SCUTAR or within the university premises must first be given approval by the Department of Student Affairs (DSA) at least ONE week before the event. Wordings on the banners and buntings should adhere to the university guidelines. Sponsors of the events who put up banners and buntings of publicizing their goods or services will be charged according to the approved rates.

21.    Users agree to abide by any other terms and conditions as laid down by the University from time to time.

22.    The University reserves the right to reject any application for the use of SCUTAR.